I love my husband, 100%! Not a doubt about it. But sometimes…I feel like he’s giving competition to our 21 month old son! I can always tell what my husband has been up to by the trail of clues.
For instance this morning: I knew the instant I came downstairs he had burned some toast, but if my nose had not been working the evidence was waiting for me on the counter top right next to the toaster. We also seemed to have emptied an orange juice container as the empty carton was sitting on the counter with the top next to it. But we clearly had more O.J. in the fridge because the pull ring for the new carton was also sitting on the counter. I know that my dear husband had Oatmeal for breakfast because that container was on the counter as well. He finished his glass of orange juice for sure, because the glass with the residue was on the counter along with his oatmeal laced bowl. He had toast, that’s been established, but if there had been any question the bread bag and tie wrap …you guessed it! were on the counter.
I can’t complain too much though, he got our son out of the bed this morning while I slept in a bit and took a shower. He changed the poop diaper, fed Peter breakfast and entertained him while I got dressed. Then my husband got to go off to work. I think that’s plenty to do before heading to work, I guess I can live with cleaning up his evidence trails.