Friday, November 27, 2009

"Mommy, I've Got Worms!"

First, Happy Holidays Everyone! I hope you all have had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday so far! This is just my absolute favorite time of year! It starts with Halloween and doesn't end until the new year! I love the holidays, the weather (yes, this Southern gal likes the cold), and I love that everyone is generally in a good mood.

Our Thanksgiving was simple and nice. The dinner was Turkey, mashed potatoes, carrots, sweet potato pie, and dutch apple pie. I make the best apple pie if I do say so myself...secret ingredient (Garam Masala!). We put up our tree as we always do on Thanksgiving day with the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade playing in the background. This year's Thanksgiving was just an immense joy with our almost 3 year old being old enough to grasp the event of it all. It is such a joy watching him build wonderful childhood memories, memories not unlike the ones I already have of putting up the Christmas tree and placing the ornaments and staring at the lights on the tree each night. He loves to run downstairs in the morning and turn on the lights to the tree.

Today I worked a half day at work; my husband and along with our two boys met up with me to have lunch together and head home. While waiting for our pizza to be brought out to us my husband started wiping off my three year old's hands; at which point the three year old says "I have worms!". We both burst out laughing. Germs! My husband said still laughing, you have germs on your hands! :)

We're having a nice T-giving weekend, with fun and laughter. I hope yours is just as nice if not better!


I leave you with a photo of Peter unpacking our Christmas stuff:


Angela said...

fun weekend. hope you had a super t-giving weekend.

Christy said...

So fun - hope you're still having a good week. Can't wait to see you next week!